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Jeremy's Journal

Happy New Year!

Posted by JLin

繁體 | 简体 Since my last blog post, a lot has happened. If I were to be honest, this season has gone in the opposite direction that I anticipated. I went through one of the worst, if not the worst, slump I've had in my basketball life, as ...

Happy Thanksgiving!

Posted by JLin

繁體 | 简体 Whatuppp, Even though we don't have a great record right now, our team has been playing better of late. Something clicked when we got back to back road wins against two playoff teams and we're starting to see what we're capab...

Thoughts on Preseason

Posted by JLin

繁體 | 简体 Whatsup everybody!! I'm going to start blogging periodically to fill you guys in from my perspective on what's going on during my life and the season. Hope you guys enjoy it! This year's training camp was, by far, my hardest...

All-Star Break and the Road Trip

Posted by JLin

Whatsup everybody!! Since my last blog post, a lot has happened. The most interesting thing was All-Star Break because we were able to have a family reunion in Connecticut. You may be asking, why would he choose to go to Connecticut in t...